Sleep disorders are extremely common these days. Having trouble sleeping, wake up feeling exhausted or feel non energized during the day are all parts of sleep disorders. Here, you can know more about sleep disorders, recognize the symptoms and get the right treatment.

Firstly, what is considered as a sleep disorder or sleep problem? Sleep disorder means a condition that frequently impacts your ability to get enough quality sleep. Although many of us may experience difficulties falling asleep from time to time, it would still be fine due to factors like stress, travel, illness or other temporary interruptions that affect your normal bedtime routines. However, it is not right that you always could not fall asleep at night, wake up feeling exhausted and feel getting not enough of sleep during the next day. So, if that is the case, you are suffering from sleep disorders.   

Sleep disorders cause more than just daytime sleepiness, they are affecting you on your daily basis.

Sleep disorders can damage mental and physical health

• Affect mood, energy, safety
• Lead to weight gain, impaired school or work performance
• Impact brain functions like learning disabilities, memory impairment
• Personality changes
• Even influence your relationships!


As you can see, quality sleep is really significant for you to feel your best, live a healthier, happier and a more meaningful life!

Quality sleep is always not a luxury, it is a necessity. When you sleep badly at night, you will feel tired in the morning and leave you feeling drained of all your energy. However, no matter how tired you are in the day and wanted to sleep at night, you will still have trouble sleeping. Then, the cycle begins again.

Fortunately, there are ways now you can do to understand more and identify the underlying causes of your sleep disorder and improve your sleep, health and quality of life. Before that, here are what you can check on regarding whether are you facing a sleep disorder as having the following symptoms on a regular basis.

Symptoms Of Sleep Disorders

• Difficulty concentrating
• Always get told that you look tired
• React slowly
• Have trouble controlling your emotions
• Feel like you have to nap almost every day
• Need high caffeine drinks to keep yourself going, etc.


After that, there are actually many types of sleep disorders and these are the top ones. 

The Major Sleep Disorders

Insomnia, the inability to sleep well at night. Insomnia can be caused by life stresses, environmental factors like the light, noise or extreme temperatures, jet lag, a health condition, medications you take, or even the amount of coffee you drink. In addition, insomnia can also be caused by other sleep disorders or mental health issues and illnesses such as anxiety and depression.      

Sleep apnea, a sleep disorder which your breathing temporarily stops during sleep and it will repeat and often awake you. If you have sleep apnea, you may not remember the awakenings but you will feel exhausted during the day, irritable and depressed and affecting your productivity. There are two types of sleep apnea and sleep apnea can stop your breathing thus it is a serious and potentially life-threatening sleep disorder.

Restless legs syndrome (RLS), a sleep disorder that you could not resist to move your legs or arms intensely at night. It can also be moving the legs or arms while you are resting or lying down and is usually due to uncomfortable, stinging or aching sensations.

Narcolepsy, it is genetic and it involves excessive as well as uncontrollable daytime sleepiness. Narcolepsy is caused by a dysfunction of the brain mechanism that controls sleeping and waking. It can occur in any of the middle of your daily life activities and routines. For instance, in the middle of you talking, working, or even driving.      

Circadian rhythm sleep disorders, all of us have circadian rhythms, an internal biological clock that is controlling our 24-hour sleep-wake cycle. On the other hand, light is the primary cue that influences our circadian rhythms. When there is less light at night, your brain triggers the release of melatonin, a hormone that makes you feel sleepy. Then, when the sun comes up in the morning, the brain will signal the body that it is about time for you to wake up. So, if you have circadian rhythm sleep disorder, you will feel weak, disoriented, and sleepy at inconvenience times.

Shift work sleep disorder, it occurs when your work schedule and your biological clock are out of sync. There are people who have night shifts, early morning shifts, or rotating shifts then, their body clock can get messed up. This is to be said as the schedules force you to work when your body is telling you to sleep and sleep when your body is signaling you to wake. The sleep disorder leads you to poor quality sleep and as a result, you will suffer from sleepiness, poor performance or even possess risk of injury.

Delayed sleep phase disorder, a condition where your body clock is significantly delayed. You will go to sleep and wake up much later than other people, finding it difficult to keep normal hours. People with this sleep disorder are not able to sleep earlier than 2 to 6am.     

So, do you happen to be the victim of the above sleep disorders? You don’t have to live with a sleeping problem now. Learn how to help yourself and quickly visit Getha Singapore official website or contact our team for more information! A combination of solutions can help control symptoms, enabling you to enjoy many normal activities in life like how they are supposed to be.


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