Dunlop vs Talalay Latex Mattresses

Looking for a natural latex mattress? You might find yourself a little overwhelmed by the variety of mattress types on the market. What you might not now is, not all latex mattresses are made in the same way. There are two primary processes used to produce latex mattresses, which are the Talalay process and Dunlop process. Here, we discuss the differences between Talalay and Dunlop mattresses.
Manufacturing Process
The Dunlop process is the simpler one among the two processes. After latex has been poured into its cast and placed in a vulcanization oven, It is essentially baked into a mattress, washed, and then reheated to remove remaining moisture.
The Talalay process has a few additional processes that result in a different product. Although the latex is also poured into a mold in this technique, in this case the mold is actually only filled up partway. The following freezing process causes carbon dioxide to make it’s way out. This forms breathable airways to help your mattresses better manage heat retention. Once freezing is finished, vulcanization, washing, and final heating occurs to lock everything in place.
Springy vs. Bouncy
When it comes to elasticity, Dunlop foam is more springy, whereas Talalay foam is bouncy. Although springy and bouncy might seem similar, they have different meanings when it comes to mattress composure. While a bouncy mattress is one that allows you the ability to jump on the bed, it doesn’t return rapidly as a spring does when pressure is released from it. While all types of latex foam have a springy and elastic feel, Talalay foam has an extremely springy, “bouncy” feel. Some people prefer this, but many do not like this “bounciness”.
Because the process to make Talalay creates tunnels within the foam, it is less dense than what you’ll find with most Dunlop products. While generally Dunlop is denser, you should also make sure to check the specific levels on any product you may be considering. Furthermore, a denser mattress does not necessarily mean that it is going to be more firm. The measurements for firmness and density are different, so seek out information for each of these properties separately.
Environmental Friendliness
Most of us understand that, the more mechanical processes that are involved in manufacturing process, the more harmful byproduct released into the atmosphere will result. While the extra steps taken when producing Talalay latex create attractive benefits for the end user, the environment doesn’t fare so well. If you are looking to keep your carbon footprint minimal and this is a driving factor in your final decision, then you’ll want to go with the Dunlop latex option.
At Getha, we produce and use only Dunlop processed 100% Natural Latex. Just like cooking, the perfect dish requires not just the recipe and ingredients, but most of all love and skill. At Getha we’re passionate about what we do. We have been manufacturing latex since 1969, we make the latex so you enjoy the comfort!